Lydia Wall Cabinet in White

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The medicine cabinet. That staple of bathrooms since Ñ well, since the bathroom. It's where all the little things go to hide, usually never to be seen again. The problem Ñ medicine cabinets are usually just too small. The Lydia wall cabinet from Crosley is much more than your standard medicine cabinet Ñ it's usable storage. Louvered doors open to an extra deep main cabinet, which is large enough for industrial sized bottles of cologne or nail polish remover. The handy bottom drawer is perfect for those little odds and ends Ñ think nail clippers and extra contacts Ñ that always seem to get lost on the shelf of the typical medicine cabinet.

Features & Benefits:
  • Solid Hardwood & Veneer Construction
  • Wall Mountable
  • Large Storage Cabinet Behind Door
  • Storage Drawer
  • Genuine Metal Hardware
  • Light Assembly Required
  • Assembly Required
Brand Crosley
Color/Finish White
Height 25.75"
Width 24.25"
Depth 9.25"
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