Sorry, the Bernard Sofa by Century is no longer available. We've left this page up for reference only. Check out the great alternatives on this page or call 248-481-2208 or Chat with a Gardner White Sales Specialist about similar products.
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Timeless style meets luxrious comfort!
The Bernard sofa by Century is covered in a rich, russet full grain leather that will get better and better with every passing day.
Put it in a living room, a den, an office - it's the perfect sofa to turn any room into a warm inviting space.
The 8-way hand tied contstruction is designed to last a lifetime - offering unmatched comfort and support.
The Bernard Sofa by Century is a true heirloom piece to enjoy now, and hand down to generations.
Also available in a chair and ottoman.
Features & Benefits:
- 8 Way Hand Tied Construction
- Spring Down Seat Cushions
- Fiber Down Attached Seat Cushions
Brand | Century |
Color/Finish | Brown |
Height | 37.50" |
Width | 77.50" |
Depth | 35.50" |
Products in Collection

Bernard by Century Furniture
Bernard by Century Furniture